Stephen Lippmann, MS, LAc, Dipl. Ac.
AcuBalance Acupuncture, PLLC
111 N. Central Avenue Suite 403
Hartsdale, NY 10530 United States
Dr. Lippmann’s credentials are a result of graduating from Tri-State College of Acupuncture with a Master of Science in Acupuncture and being licensed by the states of New York and Connecticut. He is Nationally Board Certified as a Diplomate in Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. His bachelors degree is in Math-Education.
Tri-State is one of the oldest, fully accredited, acupuncture colleges in the United States. While at Tri-State, Dr. Lippmann studied many therapeutic areas. That included Western and Chinese human physiology and nutrition. Dr. Lippmann received training in: Traditional Chinese Medicine from Dr Helen Zhang, PhD, LAc; Japanese Herbology Kanpo from Nigel Dawes, MA, LAc; Classical Chinese Medicine and Gua Sha from Arya Nielsen, MS, LAc; Five Element Acupuncture from James McCormick, LAc and Lorie Dechar, MAc, LAc; Acupuncture Physical Medicine with Trigger Point Release from Dr Mark Seem, PhD, LAc; Japanese Hara Diagnosis from Kiko Matsumoto, LAc; Amma Oriental Bodywork from Donna Finando, LAc, LMT; Scalp and Facial Acupuncture from Carolyn Bengston, MS, LAc, LMT; The Deeper Acupuncture Pathways from Dr Miki Shima, OMD, LAc. There are many others that trained Dr. Lippmann and for which he is grateful. Tri-State is noted for its excellence in successfully treating pain due to muscular and skeletal issues. Dr. Lippmann’s training led him into practice, where he has performed thousands of acupuncture treatments. Initially, he worked in trauma clinics where the main objective was resolution of pain.
NAET stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques. Like acupuncture, NAET removes energetic blockages, restoring circulation. Dr. Lippmann’s positive experience with NAET treatment led to his NAET training. Dr Devi Nambudripad, the originator of NAET, performed all the NAET training. Dr. Lippmann is Advanced II Level Certified in NAET, the highest level. As a NAET practitioner, he has performed thousands of treatments. NAET eliminates allergies and sensitivities. There are non-invasive testing and treatment procedures. For many clients, NAET is a road back to balanced health.
Supplements and homeopathics are additional treatment options. Many ingested remedies may cause an adverse reaction for clients with many allergies and sensitivities. Once these allergenic issues are resolved, supplements may be used on an as needed basis. When appropriate, Dr. Lippmann uses this process. With some exceptions, he does not recommend continued long term use of the same product or products.
Business Hours: Mo-Fri (8AM-6PM) and Sat (9AM-12PM); other hours by appointment only
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: depends on the treatment plan and insurance