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Case Studies
James Foy, DC
Community Chiropractic Clinic
4031 Saint Clair Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44103 United States
Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Dyke College (Cleveland, OH)
Pre-Chiropractic Training, TriC (Cleveland, OH)

Doctorate Degree in Chiropractic., Life University (Marietta, GA)

Post Graduate Studies
Physiological Therapeutics, National University (Lombard, IL) - 120 hours

Low Back Pain Diagnosis and Management, Southeast Back Institute (Marietta, GA) - 50 hours

Applied Kinesiology, International College of Kinesiology (Detroit, Michigan) - 110 hours

Masters and Fellowship in Herbal Medicine, Rio Grande Center for Herbal Studies, New Mexico

Certified Hypnotherapist
Homeopathic Practitioner and Expert Acupressurist
Business Hours: MWF 10-noon, 2-5 Th 10-noon, 2-6 EST
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: Depends on Treatment