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Case Studies
Robert Marshall, DC
Marshall Chiropractic
40 Red Coat Rd
Westport, CT 06880 United States
Dr. Marshall has been in practice for a life time. His approach has always been to first find out about the reasons for the interference with the bodys capability to correct itself, and secondly to restore the patient back to health.

Dr. Marshall has been a former teacher at chiropractic colleges. He has also served as an instructor of health practices in the U.S. Navy for four years. He has been a guest speaker to the chiropractic profession multiple times. Dr. Marshall has also appeared as a guest and health expert on television many times.

Dr. Marshall has been a former Board member of the Connecticut Chiropractic Association. He holds a bachelor of science in biology as well as a masters degree in clinical nutrition and chiropractic.
Business Hours: by appointment
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: by arrangement