Accelerated Healing of Bone Fracture
A bone fracture is a medical condition in which there is a break in the continuity of the bone. It can be the result of high force impact or stress, or trivial injury as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones such as osteoporosis, bone cancer, or osteogenesis imperfecta. Types of bone fracture include:

Stress fracture

Compression fracture: As people age, there is a potential for the bones to develop osteoporosis, a condition where bones lose their calcium content.

1) Rib Fracture
2) Skull Fracture


1) Pain
2) Edema of nearby soft tissues caused by bleeding of torn periosteal blood vessels evokes pressure pain
3) Muscle spasms trying to hold bone fragments in place
4) Swelling
5) Bruising from internal bleeding
6) Loss of function in the injured area


A fracture is most often caused by some type of trauma to a bone. This trauma might occur as a result of:

1) Fall
2) Physical abuse
3) Motor vehicle accident
4) Disease that weaken the bones
5) Osteoporosis
6) Bone Cancer
6) Contact sports

Western medicine treatment

The treatment for a bone fracture depends upon the type and location of the fracture and the patient’s age and medical history. Some of the treatments include:

1) Orthopedics
2) Rest
3) Ice packs
4) Immobilization (cast or sling)
5) Anti-inflammatory Medicines

Severe fractures may require internal devices, such as screws, rods, or plates, to hold the bones in place.

Calcium in the diet help strengthen the bones and prevent bone fractures.

Surgery may be necessary when a fracture is open, severe, or has resulted in severe injury to the surrounding tissues

Adopted from Wei Laboratories, Inc.