Fibromyalgia, Weight Gain, Hot Flashes Resolved
A female patient, age 62, came to my office in 2009 with medical assessment of Fibromyalgia. In addition, regarding her weight gain, her doctor had said it was just her metabolism slowing down. There was no other factor the doctor could find. The patient was not happy with this diagnosis. She had many troubling symptoms, including rapid weight gain, constant trigger point pain, hot flashes, and failing eyesight with high ocular pressure and a family history of glaucoma. A history taken in my office indicated that she had been unable to reduce and maintain weight loss despite strict caloric restriction. Night sweats and poor sleep along with a recent shingles outbreak were noted as well. Additionally, her failure to fully recover after the shingles left her fatigued and easily overwhelmed. After being a mother and homemaker for many years, she had recently resumed work in the Financial Management field with colleagues mostly 20 years her junior. This situation further contributed to her being overworked and lacking confidence. She also suffered from inability to hold chiropractic adjustments.
My assessment indicated adrenal fatigue with environmental heavy metal toxicity. The screening and tests done by my office as well as the patient history suggested low thyroid function (type 2) and environmental complications. Her husband worked long hours on his hobby, auto repair, in a garage attached to the house, which I suspected was creating a toxic environment inside the home. The client agreed to have blood work done at a local lab and then analyzed by my selected consulting healthcare professional known for his deep, comprehensive interpretation of results. These tests confirmed bromide toxicity, lead and cadmium poisoning, and compromised thyroid and adrenal function. My client was given a specific nutriceutical protocol allowing her to eliminate night sweats, increase sleep, balance her hormones, and detox safely. Nerve pain following shingles was also reduced. Subsequently she lost 22 pounds, when previously the most she could lose was 10 pounds. She also reduced her cholesterol and improved her eyesight with the protocol. In fact, her eye doctor was amazed that after running at about 25 for 4 or 5 years, her ocular pressure had dropped to 18! She told him that the only change she had made since last seeing him was losing 22 pounds and following the nutritional program I had set up for her.
In 2010, this client concurrently came to me for counseling. She had been separated from her husband several years before but had returned to him when there were deaths in her family. Now she was suffering from depression, anxiety, and unresolved anger in the marriage. Over a period of months, she came to the decision to end the marriage, and I supported her during the process of separation and divorce.
Bussiness Hours: By appointment only
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: Fee-for-service only; no insurance.
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