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Case Studies
Steve Gershman, DPM
280 Minot Ave.
Auburn, ME 04210 United States
1975 Graduated: Magna Cum Laude with B. S. U of Massachusetts - Amherst In Health Sciences.

1987 Graduated: University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences College of Podiatric
Medicine and Surgery: DPM degree (#2 in class of 36)
1984 Anatomy Fellowship while at University of Osteopathic Medicine.
Taught Anatomy to incoming Freshman Medical students

1986 Nominated to "Whos Who in American Colleges and Universities by the Microbiology Dept. at U. of Osteopathic Medicine

1986 First prize winner in Scientific Paper Competition. American Podiatric Medical Students Assoc. Article published In 1986 April "Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery/Selected topics in
Medicine and Surgery"

1987 Awarded Special Certificates of Achievement on Graduation from U of Osteopathic Med. College of Pod. Med. in Anatomy and Sports Medicine

1987-1988 Residency in Podiatric Surgery and Medicine at combined program; Stanford University Med. Center and VA Medical Center, Palo Alto California

1989 Began Private Practice of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery in Maine. Practice is ongoing as of now. Practice specializes in chronic pain, injuries, diabetic foot issues including neuropathy and ulceration care and prevention and the effects of nephropathy on the feet, sports medicine, and overriding all of practice is biomechanics and how pathomechanics affects the body, and then treatment of pathomechanics.

1990-2005 Taught Biomechanics of the lower extremity to various professional medical specialists in the U.S. and Canada. Over 125 courses taught of 2 to 3 day duration as continuing medical education for these professionals. This included all specialists treating these areas in the Canadian Military. The Canadian Military continues to utilize the methods and practices I established and taught over those years. I continue to do phone consults for some of the professionals in Canada I taught now that I no longer travel there. I trained over 1500 professionals in my methods of evaluating and treating lower extremity pathomechanics and specific clinical syndromes related to the faulty biomechanics.

2008 On the Medical Board of MicroLight Corp. as Specialist in Utilization of Low Level Cold Laser treatment. Ongoing research in office.

Wei Labs is now becoming a major part of my practice and life. I utilize the products on my patients and myself and my wife. I am now researching various products such as L.C. Balancer and Java Sauce on diabetic neuropathy and nephropathy and autoimmune syndromes such as Sjogren's Syndrome and RA. I utilize the patches for a host of ailments including joint pain/arthritis, neuritis, tendinitis, capsulitis, fasciitis, Achilles tendon damage and tendinosis, etc. I am very excited about the potential uses of the Wei products in the Medical setting in the future as more research is concluded. I believe there is a large untapped area of medical issues that should respond to these products without the side effects and danger of many standard therapies we now utilize.

Personal. I am married to a psychotherapist who shares my office and practice. We raise wolves in Maine and live in the woods where we also have a fruit orchard we planted and maintain ourselves. I cut my own firewood on our land for heat. From tree to heat without oil. I am an athlete. I ran marathons and competed in triathlons for 20 years, have run for over 40 years and continue at age 58 to work out 2 plus hours every day. I utilize the workouts to research various orthotics and biomechanical theories and injuries that I later utilize on patients.

At this stage in my career I spend half my time in the office and half researching. The Wei products have allowed me to continue this physically grueling schedule by healing all my various overuse
injuries while being able to continue on daily. I would have had to stop this several years ago due to knee damage without the quick healing properties of the patches and LC Balancer for my meniscus damage in both knees.

Business Hours: By appointment
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: By arrangement