Life long Connecticut resident
BS Biology Southern Connecticut State College
Doctor of Chiropractic, New York Chiropractic College
Fellow International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture
26 years private practice
Scope of practice is dealing with difficult, unusual and hard to treat health problems utilizing a wide variety of therapies including but not limited to Chiropractic, Acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, homeopathics, K-Laser, Pulse Activation Therapy, Bax and NRG Allergy Relief Treatment,Therastim, Synaptic Therapy, Horizontal Therapy and the Rebuilder for Neuropathy Treatment.
My passion for sports and health has led me down my current career path. At 55 years old I continue to be very active in skiing, water skiing, cycling, hiking, skating, rollerblading and enjoy all out of doors activities with my wife and two daughters. I continue to study and look for the most effective therapies that will produce the best clinical outcomes while having the least potential for harm. Everyone should have fun, joy and passion in their lives for their entire life and to do that one must be in good health.
Business Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. E.S.T.
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: Examination & Consultation: $125.00, 1/2 hour phone consultation: $95.00, Acupuncture Treatment: $65.00, Other fees vary depending on time