Laura Bertoncini, AP, DOM, is nationally board certified in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine by NCCAOM. She uses Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki Therapy, Holistic Medicine Nutritional Counseling and one-on-one patient care to treat health issues and restore homeostasis.
Dr. Bertoncini is a graduate of the East West College of Natural Medicine in Sarasota, Florida, with a five-year Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is nationally board certified in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine by NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine).
She has nearly 15 years of experience in both Western and Eastern medicine, as well as, experience in running a successful Western medical practice. In the state of Florida, Laura Bertoncini is qualified to be a primary physician; however, since 2006, she has strictly devoted her practice to Eastern medicine and holistic health.
Laura Bertoncini believes in one-on-one patient care and the importance of treating mind, body and spirit. As evidenced by her training, she implements a preventive, integrative and holistic medical approach in transforming a patient’s health. Her personal and caring bedside manner, coupled with her enthusiasm and exceptional communication skills, ensure that each patient feels relaxed, comfortable and confident in her expert treatment. She enjoys interacting with her patients, helping them to feel and be the best they can be!
Business Hours: Call for information
Phone Consulting: No
Fees Schedule: Call for information