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Case Studies
Marion Constantinides, DC
Applied Health
208 Ash Avenue, Suite 102-G
Virginia Beach, VA 23452 United States
Dr. Constantinides is a Doctor of Chiropractic and an Applied Kinesiologist. Currently, she is working towards her Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology (D.I.B.A.K.) and will be one of approximately 70 Diplomates in the United States.

Dr. Constantinides has a long history working in the emergency medical field and clinical family medicine. During that time that she realized she wanted to work hard at keeping people healthy rather than prescribing medication that may or may not help. Dr. Constantinides looked to other fields of natural health care in establishing herself as an expert in her field. In addition, she has studied a variety of other chiropractic techniques, clinical nutrition and holistic care. With this experience, Dr. Constantinides has earned the reputation of helping those patients who have had little clinical success with conventional or other forms of alternative medicine.
Business Hours: MWF 8:30 to 5:00PM EST, TuTh Sat By Appointment
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: General: $79/session, Custom: Varies