“I would do this for free; nothing gives me more pleasure,” Dr. Bruen Goolsby — “Doc” to his patients — said of his chiropractic services.
The former professional rodeo participant is a devout advocate of the benefits of chiropractic.
“It boosts your immune system,” he said. “It’s just like rebooting your computer. If our spines were on our faces, we’d all take better care of them!”
He was born in Gilmer, Texas, and raised in Gonzales. He was a bull-rider in high school and attended Howard Junior College in Big Spring and Sam Houston State University in Huntsville on rodeo scholarships, but quit his studies in 1992 to rodeo professionally.
Later sidelined by injuries, he underwent chiropractic adjustments and he became interested in how chiropractic worked. This led to his return to studies to pursue a career in chiropractic.
“When I saw all the good they could do for kids and overall health for anyone, I knew this was what I wanted to be able to do,” he recalls.
Bruen attended Texas Chiropractic College, returning to the rodeo arena sponsored by the college. While studying, he participated in a practice-based externship in Baytown with Dr. James Golden and Dr. Terry More, seeing more than 65 patients each day. He completed the demanding curriculum and passed his I-IV National Board exams.
Doc started La Vernia Chiropractic in October 2001, retiring from the rodeo arena. As he became established in the community, he began giving back, starting “Doc’s Crawfest” in 2004 as a fund-raiser for community organizations, such as the La Vernia Volunteer Fire Department.
Incorporating massage in the practice has really worked, he said.
“When you get adjustments, massage is more beneficial,” Doc said. “Stephanie and Cindy are very, very good at what they do. We have the best massage therapists the USA has to offer!”
Doc enjoys visiting with people who come to the practice.
Visiting helps me ‘read’ the tension in people and helps me be more effective,” he said.
He endeavors to instill confidence in everyone who comes through the door, minimizing worry and allaying any fears.
“The chiropractic relationship is very intimate,” Doc said. “Once established, it’s very hard for people to go to another chiropractor.”
He has regular adjustments and advocates this for everyone, saying it’s the best thing for maintaining good health.
“Everyone should get adjustments once or twice a month,” he said. “I haven’t been to a medical doctor in 25 years.”
His competitive edge hasn’t dulled since giving up rodeo. Doc simply changed his competitive focus.
“If I can’t help you, it won’t be through lack of effort,” he said. “I will try everything to try to help you.”
Business Hours: 7AM-7PM (Mo-Fri)
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: by arrangement, phone consultation $75.00 per hour