What is a Stroke and Stroke Recovery?
What is a Stroke and Stroke Recovery?

Stroke recovery (stroke rehab) is an important part of recovery after stroke. Getting back on your feet is likely one of your top concerns after a stroke, and stroke rehabilitation, also called stoke rehab, can help. The goal of a stroke rehabilitation program is to help you relearn skills lost when stroke damaged part of your brain. Participating in stroke rehabilitation helps you regain independence and improve your quality of life.

The severity of stroke complications and each person's ability to recover lost abilities varies widely. However, stroke rehabilitation can usually help you achieve the best long-term outcomes.

Western Medicine Treatment

Stroke rehabilitation may include some or all of the following therapies:

Therapy for communication disorders can help you regain lost abilities in speaking, listening, writing and comprehension.

Strengthening motor skills involves using exercises to help improve your muscle strength and coordination.

Mobility training may include learning to use walking aids, such as braces, walkers or canes, to support part of your body's weight while you relearn how to walk.

Range of motion therapy uses exercises and other treatments to help lessen muscle tension (spasticity) and regain range of motion.

Psychological therapy may involve antidepressant medications, counseling with a mental health professional and participation in support groups.

Constraint-induced therapy, also known as "forced-use" therapy, involves restricting use of an unaffected limb while you practice moving the affected limb. Forcing you to use the affected arm or leg can help improve its function.

Electrical stimulation involves using electricity to stimulate weakened muscles, causing them to contract. This may help with muscle re-education in some individuals.

Adopted from Wei Laboratories, Inc.