What is Stress?
Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the ever increasing demands of life. Surveys show that most Americans experience challenges with stress at some point during the year. In looking at the causes of stress, remember that your brain comes hard-wired with an alarm system for your protection. When your brain perceives a threat, it signals your body to release a burst of hormones to fuel your capacity for a response. This has been labeled the fight-or-flight response. Once the threat is gone, your body is meant to return to a normal relaxed state. Unfortunately, the nonstop stress of modern life means that your alarm system rarely shuts off.

That is why stress management is so important. Stress management gives you a range of tools to reset your alarm system. Without stress management, all too often your body is always on high alert. Over time, high levels of stress lead to serious health problems. Do not wait until stress has a negative impact on your health, relationships or quality of life. Start practicing a range of stress management techniques today.

Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it. You may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the culprit.

Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can give you a jump on managing them. Stress that is left unchecked can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Of course, if you're not sure if stress is the cause or if you have taken steps to control your stress but your symptoms continue, see your doctor. Your doctor may want to check for other potential causes. Also, if you have chest pain, especially if it occurs during physical activity or is accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, nausea, or pain radiating into your shoulder and arm, get emergency help immediately. These may be warning of a heart attack and not simply stress symptoms.

Common effects of stress ...

2)Muscle tension or pain
3)Chest pain
5)Change in sex drive
6)Stomach upset
7)Sleep problems
10)Lack of motivation or focus
11)Irritability or anger
12)Sadness or depression
13)Overeating or under-eating
14)Angry outbursts
15)Drug or alcohol abuse
16)Tobacco use
17)Social withdrawal

Source: American Psychological Association "Stress in America" report, 2010

Adopted from mayoclinic.com