What is a Chronic Cough?
Chronic cough -- one lasting eight weeks or longer -- is more than just an annoyance. A chronic cough can ruin your sleep and leave you feeling exhausted. Severe cases of chronic cough can result in vomiting, rib fractures and lightheadedness.

While it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the problem that is triggering your chronic cough, the most common causes are tobacco use, postnasal drip, asthma and acid reflux -- the back flow of stomach acid, which can irritate your throat. Chronic cough typically disappears once the underlying problem is treated.


A chronic cough can occur with other signs and symptoms, which may include:

1)A runny or stuffy nose
2)A sensation of liquid running down the back of your throat
3)Wheezing and shortness of breath
4)Heartburn or a sour taste in your mouth
5)In rare cases, coughing up blood


An occasional cough is normal -- it helps clear foreign substances and secretions from your lungs and prevents infection. But a cough that persists for long periods of time is usually the result of an underlying problem. Examples include:

1)Postnasal drip. When your nose or sinuses produce extra mucus, it can drip down the back of your throat and trigger your cough reflex.

2)Asthma. An asthma-related cough may come and go with the seasons, appear after an upper respiratory tract infection, or become worse when you are exposed to cold air or certain chemicals or fragrances. This type of asthma is frequently referred to as hyperactive airways disease.

3)Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In this common condition, stomach acid flows back into the tube that connects your stomach and throat (esophagus). The constant irritation can lead to chronic coughing.

4)Infections. A cough can linger long after most symptoms of a cold, influenza, pneumonia or other infection of the upper respiratory tract have gone away. An unusual, but not rare, cause of a chronic cough in adults is pertussis, also known as whooping cough in children.

5)Blood pressure drugs. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, which are commonly prescribed for high blood pressure and heart failure, are known to cause chronic cough in some people.

6)Chronic bronchitis. This long-standing inflammation of your major airways (bronchial tubes) can cause congestion, breathlessness, wheezing and a cough that brings up discolored sputum. Most people with chronic bronchitis are current or former smokers.

Western Medicine Treatment

Determining the cause of chronic cough is crucial to effective treatment. In some cases, more than one underlying condition may be causing your chronic cough.

Medications used to treat chronic cough may include:

1)Antihistamines and decongestants. These drugs are standard treatment for allergies and postnasal drip.

2)Inhaled asthma drugs. The most effective treatments for asthma-related cough are inhaled medications that reduce inflammation and widen your airways.

3)Antibiotics. If a bacterial infection is causing your chronic cough, antibiotics will be prescribed.

4)Acid blockers. When lifestyle changes do not take care of acid reflux, you may be treated with medications that block acid production.

5)Cough suppressants. If the reason for your cough cannot be determined, your doctor may prescribe a cough suppressant, especially if your cough is interfering with your sleep.

Adopted from mayoclinic.com