Accelerated Healing of Skin Abrasion
A skin abrasion refers to scraped skin or mucous membrane. An abrasion is usually a minor injury, but it can be serious if it covers a large area or if foreign materials become imbedded in it. The most common sites are usually over bone or other firm tissue.

Appropriate health care includes:

Self-care for minor, non-infected wounds. Doctor's care for extensive contaminated abrasions.

Signs & Symptoms

1)Skin that looks scraped or irritated.
2)Bleeding at the abrasion site.
3)Immediate pain that lasts a short time.
4)Crusting over of the abraded area in 3 to 5 days.


1)Falling on a hard, rough, or jagged surface.

2)Rough fabric, seams in clothing, ill-fitting shoes, or other parts of athletic equip¬ment such as helmets and shoulder pads that constantly irritate the child's skin.

Western Medicine Treatment

For a scrape, wash the abraded area with plain soap and warm water as soon as possible. Scrub the child with a soft brush if possible. Soap acts as a solvent for imbedded dirt.

For an irritation, protect the area against further abrasion. Use gauze or moleskin.

If foreign material is imbedded too deeply or the wound is too painful to the child to cleanse thoroughly, seek medical help.

Cleanse lightly each day. If crusting or oozing occurs, soak in warm water with a little dishwashing or laundry detergent.

Between soakings, apply non-prescription antibiotic ointment.

Cover lightly with a bandage during the day, but leave the wound open to air at night.

If infection occurs, use warm soaks more frequently. Keep the injured area elevated above the level of the child's heart, when possible.


Your doctor may decide to administer a tetanus booster to the child.

Apply non-prescription antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.

Spray with tincture of benzoin to reduce the child's pain, if necessary.

Don't use strong antiseptics such as iodine, Merthiolate, mercurochrome, or alcohol. They will further irritate the child's skin.

For minor discomfort, use aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen.

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if the abrasion becomes infected.

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