Gregory Lind, DC Milpitas, 95035 Successful Treatment of IBS and Chronic Diarrhea |
Felicia M. Dyess, Five Element Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Jacksonville , 32223 Successful Resolution of GI Issues |
Ernest Antolik, DC Makawao, 96768 Successful Treatment of Lower Abdominal Pain, Decreased Energy, Malaise and Non-Existent Menstruation |
Donald Snow, D.A.O.M., M.P.H., M.S., L.Ac. Lake Charles, 70605 Successful Treatment of Irregular Bowel Movements & Poor Sleep |
Janet Lang, LiAC, DiplAc, NCCAOM Boston, 02108 Successful Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) |
Isis van Loon , Naturopathic Medicine New Westminster, V3L3B1 Successful Treatment of Digestive Problems |