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What are Seizures?
Seizures are changes in the brains electrical activity. This can cause dramatic, noticeable symptoms or even no symptoms at all. The symptoms of a severe seizure are often widely recognized, including violent shaking and loss of control. However, mild seizures can also be a sign of a significant medical problem, so recognizing them is important. Because some seizures can lead to injury or be evidence of an underlying medical condition, it is important to seek treatment if you experience them. Learn More
Many healthcare professionals have found that Seizures symptoms can be eliminated with sustained results. With their innovative treatment approaches, patients can experience symptom elimination in 2 weeks to 1 month for mild and moderate conditions.
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List of healthcare professionals who have published clinical studies and provide treatment for Seizures:
United States
Gary Cools, DC Ludington, 49431
Successful Treatment of Epileptic Seizures