Shohreh Younessian Pedouim, Acupuncture, Chinese medicine Los Angeles, 90048 Successful Treatment for Infertility |
Li Liu, LAc Atlanta, 30305 Successful Infertility Treatment |
Cara Gallucci, M.A., C.Ht., C.B.T, Certified Hypnotist, and Certified Biofeedback Technician Wellesley, 02482 Successful Treatment for Infertility |
Nancy Stern, DC Albuquerque, 87114 Successful Treatment of Infertility |
Christopher Lewis, DC Chattanooga, TN 37421, 37421 Infertility Patient Testimonial |
Valerie Brinkman, LAc Austin, 78749 Acupunctural Support to Mitigate Side Effects from Liver Surgery |
Brian Hess, DC Culpeper, 22701 Successful Resolution of Infertility |
Mary Routenburg, RTCM, RAC Woodstock, N4S 7V7 Successful Treatment of Infertility |
Sed Rahimi, LAC/ND/Master Iridology Thornhill, L3T2A7 Successful Healing of Ovarian Dysfunction |