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Michael Biamonte, ND, Nutritionist, CCN
The Biamonte Center
733 Weathersfield Drive
Dunedin, FL 34698 United States
Successful Treatment of Cataracts
A 92 year-old Male patient suffered from cataracts. He was experiencing poor vision, floaters, and double vision. He had to use a magnifying glass to enlarge the size of print and had to have light shining behind his shoulder in order to see anything.

Doctor Biamonte recommended the EyeBrighter formula from Wei Laboratories to improve his vision, and LC Balancer, Brown and Xcel to improve kidney and liver function. Patient noticed improved symptoms right away after following the treatment protocol. In two days his general vision improved. He no longer had double vision and was able to read better. The patient was very surprised. It was a fast and miraculous improvement!
Bussiness Hours: 10am to 5pm Tuesday through Saturday
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: 1st apt. is $260, follow up apts. $50 tp $180
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Dunedin FL, 34698