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Kyla Tremper, DC, Lifestyle Trainer and Nutritional Coach
Tremper Healthcare
1202 N 75th St., Ste. 330
Downer's Grove, IL 61341 United States
Successful Treatment of Severe Symptoms from Badly Curved Back
A male patient came for treatment in 1999. He had dramatically suffered from symptoms created by a badly curved back since the age of 4. Migraine headaches, dizziness, lower back pain, sensations through the arms and legs into the hands and feet occurred on a regular basis.
The patient reported an early experience with chiropractics which had produced some relief. After five years of treatment the tilt of the patients head to the side had lessened, he no longer limped, and the patient play sports. Football, baseball, wrestling and hockey had become possible. It implied positive therapeutic results induced by the exercise. Bur boxing showed the most lasting effects. Thousands of push ups, sit ups, rounds in the ring and miles on the track put the patients body in top condition.
Three years after the patients last fight, while playing touch football, he was shoved in the upper back while catching a pass. It seemed that every muscle seized and every bone betrayed him. The patient rested for two days hoping to find relief in a bag of ice. Since the pain had become no longer bearable he came in for chiropractic treatment. He was diagnosed with several pinched nerves.
As a consequence, a treatment program with a total of 1.5 years in length was prescribed (composed of therapy and adjustments). It restored the patients functionality but did not eliminate the symptoms. As a commercial writer and director, it had become very difficult to sit for long hours in front of a computer or to go on location shoots and stand all day. Exercise had become impossible given the conditions.
Dr. Tremper applied a comprehensive treatment program based on a fundamental and detailed understanding of the patients situation and root causes of the symptoms.
The outcome has been truly positive for the patient. His headaches have dissipated; he can work for hours with minimal pain, if any, and feels that his neck and back is getting better every week. The patient started to exercise again regularly.
Bussiness Hours: by appointment only
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: depending on treatment plan and insurance policy
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